Do you know Simplicity? Part 1

Simple is 2+2, complex is something like tax(!) and informed simplicity what I wanted for Big Picture which "appears simple whilst hiding the complexity behind a usable framework". Therefore "simplicity is not a simple thing" Charlie Chaplin said that.

You have to know what it is and put a high value on it then be determined to seek it. Drive complexity out and don't try be smart! Don't have special cases where you allow complexity to remain and confuse. Listen to what people feedback and smooth out the bumps.

Most people really like simplicity if it does not cost anything (easy life) but are usually unwilling to invest resources in making something more simple (hard work). We wanted to invest our time & brain cycles putting business strategy into a 'package' you can pick-up and use. The simplicity can then be picked-up as a framework and used to hang your complexity off if indeed that is what you want.

To do that you need to understand the matter very well. If you don't your efforts will be ‘simplistic’ rather than simple. Put another way, simplicity before understanding is worthless,